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Named after the dialing code in Cuba, the +53 is another connoisseurs cigar utilizing unique and interesting tobaccos to create one of the most luxurious experiences the cigar enthusiast can have in the grandest of settings.

Tasting notes: Sweet, flinty and leathery notes dominate this extension of the ONEOFF brand.
All tobaccos personally selected, graded and blended by Dion Giolito.

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Named after the dialing code in Cuba, the +53 is another connoisseurs cigar utilizing unique and interesting tobaccos to create one of the most luxurious experiences the cigar enthusiast can have in the grandest of settings.

Tasting notes: Sweet, flinty and leathery notes dominate this extension of the ONEOFF brand.

All tobaccos personally selected, graded and blended by Dion Giolito.